There shall be peace and friendship! The ANC believes that economic and political cooperation with other countries can improve the lives of our own people and will continue to work towards a better life for all, a better Africa and a better
Fighting crime and fighting the causes of crime will be a priority of the ANC government in the next five years and there is a need to overhaul the criminal justice system to ensure that the levels of crime are drastically reduced.
The Freedom Charter commits us to a preventive health scheme run by the state; Free medical care and hospitalisation provided for all, with special care for mothers and young children.There have been many achievements in improving access to health care, however much
The Freedom Charter says: Rent and prices shall be lowered; food plentiful and no one shall go hungry.The ANC is committed to creating an environment that ensures that there is adequate food available to all, that we grow our own food and
The people shall share in the country’s wealth! Despite significant progress in changing our economy to benefit our people; unemployment, poverty and inequality remain serious challenges. Decent work is the foundation of the fight against poverty and inequality and its promotion should
Our plan for the next five years The ANC has identified five priority areas for the next five years: Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods Education Health Rural development, food security and land reform The fight against crime and corruption; These
The doors of learning and cultures shall be opened! Education is a means of promoting good citizenship as well as preparing our people for the needs of a modern economy and a democratic society. Building on the achievements in education, the ANC
There shall be houses, security and comfort for all! The ANC will continue to protect and strengthen the gains we made our the last 15 years. Through our programmes for housing, social security, sport and recreation, we aim to continue to build
The land shall be shared amongst those who work it! Despite significant progress made over the last 15 years, people living in rural areas continue to face the harshest conditions of poverty, lack of access to land and basic services. The ANC
The African National Congress (ANC) pays tribute to the late anti-apartheid campaigner Helen Suzman who has died at the age of 91. As a Member of Parliament and a vocal critic against apartheid, the ANC remembers and respects the contribution of Suzman