Our plan for the next five years
The ANC has identified five priority areas for the next five years:
- Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods
- Education
- Health
- Rural development, food security and land reform
- The fight against crime and corruption;
These priorities will be tackled with all our means at our disposal – the resources of government, the vision of the Freedom Charter and the energy and commitment of our people. Our priorities will specifically target the needs of the youth, women, workers, the rural poor, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Building on the economic achievements of the last 15 years, we will use various measures to build and accelerate a sustainable, equitable and inclusive economic growth path to address these five priorities. Our economic and social programmes will work together to ensure they support each other.
The developmental state will play a central and strategic role in the economy. We will ensure a more effective government; improve the coordination and planning efforts of the developmental state by means of a planning entity to ensure faster change. A review of the structure of government will be undertaken, to ensure effective service delivery.
An important aspect of a successful developmental state is investment in public sector workers and in turn our people expect that they execute the tasks with which they have been entrusted. This means that the right and adequate numbers of personnel should be placed in the correct positions, and where this is not the case, government should have the capacity to implement corrective measures, either through training or redeployment where warranted.