Achievements and Challenges: Conclusion

South Africa MAP

Our country does need change in the way government relates to the people and in the delivery of services.

We are committed to ensuring that we develop a service delivery culture that will put every elected official and public servant to work for the people, and ensure accountability to the people.

We will continue to develop social partnerships and work with every citizen.

We will manage our economy in a manner that ensures that South Africa continues to grow, that all our people benefit from that growth and that we create decent work for the unemployed, for workers, for young persons, for women and for the rural poor.

We will remain in touch with the people and listen to their needs. We respect the rule of law and we will defend the constitution and uphold our multi-party democracy.

We have achieved much in the last 15 years, but we are aware of how much more needs to be done.

Working together we can do more!

Staff ANC

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